A sports injury of an 18-year-old

An accidental injury of a 25-year-old

Joint aches of an 80-year-old

All of the above have a non-invasive medical follow-up treatment option - physiotherapy. Obviously enough, the entire world has been taking an acute interest in this medical channel. New methods and types of physiotherapy have been emerging.

But, as with any commodity - when there’s a demand, there’s a rise in its prices and charges. Thus, while a majority can obviously improve the quality of life with physiotherapy, not everyone can afford it.

Now, that’s the problem, but what can be the solution? We say a comprehensive health insurance policy for physiotherapy can be the ultimate answer!

However, before we bite into the health insurance plans covering physiotherapy, let’s take a look into a detailed view of physiotherapy in India.

Physiotherapy Market in India in 2023

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a non-invasive medical approach that helps individuals regain mobility, control, and strength via

  • Hands-on techniques
  • Heat and cold therapy
  • Therapeutic exercises
  • Electrical modalities, etc.

Physiotherapists, or individuals practising physiotherapy are trained and licensed medical practitioners who offer their services in hospitals, clinics, and private sessions. They are independently reached out by individuals or suggested by doctors who collaborate with them.

What are the types of Physiotherapy?

As you know, physiotherapy aims to improve individuals' quality of life. Thus, based on the various health complications that have been arising, a diverse range and types of physiotherapy have also surfaced. Here’s a look at them -

  1. Neurological Physiotherapy

Ever seen a Parkinson’s patient? The trembling of hands and head and other motor issues are common symptoms of the ailment.

Such common neurological ailments, if and when detected earlier can be treated via neurological physiotherapies. This type of physiotherapy may help

  • Manage degenerative motor functions
  • Prevent aggravation of motor-depreciating ailments
  • Ensure better life quality

2. Geriatric physiotherapy

Senior citizens are often troubled by two major aspects - finance and health. While savings, fixed deposits, recurrent deposits, and pensions - manage the former; proper health insurance plans for senior citizens and physiotherapy for senior citizens - help the latter.

And the combination of the latter two - physiotherapy and the best health insurance plans covering it - is the best possible option. Physiotherapy for senior citizens targets issues that are specific to the category, including -

  • Muscle pain
  • Movement-related issues
  • Joint pain
  • Diverse age-related ailments

Geriatric physiotherapy helps senior citizens manage their conditions, function independently in their day-to-day work, recover from weakness, etc.

3. Orthopaedic physiotherapy

Whether it’s an injury from a sports event, a fall, or an accident, even if it requires surgery, medical practitioners often suggest physiotherapy during their post-hospitalisation phase as a follow-up.

With orthopaedic physiotherapy, any restrictive ailments due to ligament tear or bone breakage can easily be recovered or managed.

4. Paediatric physiotherapy

Children born with defects or issues occurring at an early age are often suggested to avail of paediatric physiotherapy as a solution to help them lead a normal life sans any holdback from ailments.

Improving the quality of life, enhancing mobility, ensuring the leading of a normal life, assurance of independent day-to-day work, and managing ailment symptoms - such a buffet of pros of physiotherapy and its non-invasive nature has helped this medical channel gain ground among all, irrespective of their age.

However, here’s the issue - the charges of physiotherapists and their extensive sessions can be tolling. Individuals, thus often end up shelling out significantly out of their own pocket to fund these sessions. However, what happens if the individual requiring such sessions is unable to financially meet up with the required amount?

Hence, a need to avail of health insurance for physiotherapy.


Health Insurance for Physiotherapy in India

Imagine this -

It’s 2023, and you have your finances invested in stocks, fixed deposits, recurrent deposits, and more. For all purposes, you have tried your best to financially secure your future for uncalled times and years of retirement.

However, then comes a sudden medical emergency in the form of an accident that results in complicated surgery on your fractured arm and a kidney. Your hospitalisation takes away your life’s savings.

Your doctor then suggests a continued physiotherapy lesson during your post-hospitalisation phase. And now you start wondering, with the long hospital bill already digging a hole in your pocket, how will you fund the prolonged physiotherapy sessions?

Now, this is just the cost aspect of why should you have availed of health insurance policies for physiotherapy, and it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Here’s the complete look into such plans, the what, how, and why.

(P.S. Also take a look at the cons of such plans before investing substantially into these policies.)

  1. Why should you avail of Health Insurance Plans for Physiotherapy in India?

(a) Cost management - Physiotherapy is an effective but expensive medical approach. And, whether you are thinking about opting for physiotherapy post-surgery or as an independent practice, the pilling bills would adversely affect your savings. With coverage available via a plan from the best health insurance providers, the funding gap is bridged sans much pressure on your pockets.

(b) Additional coverage inclusions - When you avail of a health insurance policy for physiotherapy, you don’t just bank on this sole perk. Any of the best health insurance policies comes with the benefits of -

2. How to Choose the Best Health Insurance Plans for Physiotherapy in India?

(a) Physiotherapy can’t be your only determiner - You CANNOT opt for a health insurance policy solely based on whether it offers coverage for physiotherapy. This medical factor can be banked upon a few times, but you need a policy and an insurer that you can fall back upon in case of any medical happenstances that would cushion your finances.

(b) Be aware of the waiting period - Perks like physiotherapy are often provided under comprehensive coverage. But, since these are specific conditions and perks, they often come with a waiting period. So, ask your insurer or advisor about the specific waiting period so that you don’t end up getting your claim rejected by raising it during the non-coverage span.

(c) Check for any sub-limits - Much like the waiting period, certain specific perks often also come with a sub-limit. Take note of any such amount/session limits on your health insurance plan for physiotherapy.

(d) Verify any network restrictions/specifications - When you plan to avail of a health insurance policy, at times, insurers put restrictions on the networks from which you can avail the particular medical services. Approach non-partner hospitals or facilities, and -

Best Health Insurance Plans for Physiotherapy in India


The Best Health Insurance Plans for Physiotherapy in India

Health Care Supreme - Vital

Health Care

Supreme - Smart

Health Care

Supreme - Ultimo

Physiotherapy coverage 

INR 5,000 - INR 10,000

INR 15,000 - INR 30,000

INR 35,000 - INR 50,000


Other Restrictions 

  • Max 10 sessions/injury/policy year - up to coverage limit defined

  • Should be prescribed by a Specialist consultant for Muskulo- Skeletal /Neurological diseases / Injuries or other Systemic diseases

  • Can be taken only on OPD basis

Waiting Period 

90 days initial Waiting Period



Physiotherapy is an emerging field in the healthcare industry. Availing of the perk would ensure enhanced quality of life, better mobility, improved health conditions, etc. However, physiotherapy needs multiple sessions to be effective. And such sessions require substantial funding which is met by health insurance for physiotherapy in India.

(Remember, before availing of such policies, make sure to compare the relevant health insurance plans in the market.)