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Before we start comparing these two policies we have to set out some ground rules.

Both products are marketed by different insurance companies. Cardiac Care Platinum is sold by Star Health and Mediclaim Insurance Policy is sold by Oriental Insurance. So any meaningful comparison should include a comparison of the product alongside the insurers themselves.

Second, we know that both products have massive differences in their core structure. Cardiac Care Platinum is specifically designed for people suffering from heart ailments. However, Mediclaim Insurance Policy is quite basic. It offers little protection and it’s a generic policy that anybody could pick off the shelf. So in many ways, you’re comparing apples and oranges here.

And finally, any comparison is ultimately futile without considering the use case. Who are you buying this policy for? You, your family, your parents?

That’s something you’ll need to answer before using this guide. So with that introduction out of the way, we can get to comparing the actual policies themselves.

Let’s start with Cardiac Care Platinum. The product comes from Star Health’s stable:

Star Health Insurance is India's first standalone health insurance firm. And with an army of retail advisors pushing their products across the country, they’ve managed to capture a fair share of the Indian market.

The company also boasts a network of over 14,000+ hospitals and a decent claim settlement ratio of 83%.

Mediclaim Insurance Policy meanwhile comes from Oriental Insurance’s stable:

Oriental Insurance is a government-owned company that offers health, vehicle, business, and farmer insurance. The company is a fully-owned component of the Oriental Government Security Life Assurance Company Ltd.

Now because it is a government-owned insurance firm, you can’t expect operational efficiencies across the board. Although, the company does boast a fairly high claim settlement ratio with over 4,000+ network hospitals across the country.

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Compare Insurances

Insurance Parameters

Not Recommended
Network hospitals
Claim settlement ratio

(avg. of last 3 years)




Room rent

Single Private room

Any Room

(up to 1% of sum insured)

Disease sub-limit



Pre existing diseases waiting

3 years

3 years

Pre/Post hospitalization

30/60 days

30/60 days

No claim bonus

10% per year

(up to 100%)

Ayush treatments
Restoration benefit

100% restoration

(once for different illness)

Health check-up
Once every year
Once every 3 years
Out Patient Department

Up to ₹2,500

Up to ₹5,000


Day care

Feature Comparison


Co payment

With a co-payment clause, the insurer will mandate that you pay a part of the bill. So if the bill adds up to Rs. 2,00,000 and the co-payment is set at 20% then you could be asked to pay Rs. 40,000 from the bill. In this case, however, Cardiac Care Platinum doesn’t impose a co-payment clause. And neither does Mediclaim Insurance Policy.


Room rent

If the policy does impose room rent restrictions then the insurer may only let you stay in a room of a certain specification or impose a cap on the total room rent. If you were to breach either criterion then the insurance company may ask you to pay a portion of all the expenses you incurred while staying in the room. In this case, however, Cardiac Care Platinum lets you stay in a single private room and Mediclaim Insurance Policy only lets you stay in a room whose rent doesn’t exceed 1% of the sum insured. In effect, both policies impose restrictions on the kind of room you can pick.


Sub limits

Some policies will tell you that they will cover all medical expenses up until the sum insured, but then impose caps on the total costs you can incur while dealing with a very specific list of diseases. We call these caps “Disease Wise Sub Limits.” In this case, Cardiac Care Platinum imposes disease-wise sub-limits on Cardio vascular conditions, Cataracts, Modern Treatments whereas Mediclaim Insurance Policy imposes sub-limits on Modern treatments


Waiting periods for pre-existing diseases

If you’re suffering from a lifestyle condition or if you’ve had surgery in the past, or if you’re dealing with an acute or chronic illness at the time of buying the policy, then the insurer may classify this as a pre-existing disease. And they may tell you that they will only cover these illnesses after some time. This cooling period is referred to as the Pre-existing-disease waiting period. In this case, Cardiac Care Platinum imposes a 3 year waiting period on pre-existing diseases and Mediclaim Insurance Policy will similarly tell you to wait 3 years before making a claim related to your pre-existing diseases


Pre and post Hospitalization expenses

Most people aren’t hospitalized right off the bat. Instead, they’ll have to go through a whole series of diagnostic tests before hospitalization and take medication post-discharge. These costs are outlined as pre-hospitalization expenses and post-hospitalization expenses respectively. In this case, Cardiac Care Platinum covers expenses incurred 30 days before hospitalization and expenses incurred 60 days post-hospitalization. Meanwhile, Mediclaim Insurance Policy covers expenses incurred 30 days before hospitalization and expenses incurred 60 after hospitalization, although there may be different sub-limits


No claim bonus

Some policies will tell you that they will incentivize you for not making a claim in any given year. And they offer such incentives by offering extra cover on top of the existing sum insured. This extra cover is categorized as a no-claim bonus. In this case, however, Cardiac Care Platinum offers a no-claim bonus whereas Mediclaim Insurance Policy doesn’t offer a no-claim bonus.



Imagine you are forced to treat yourself at home because you don’t find a hospital bed, or you have a chronic condition that prevents you from visiting one, then, insurers may choose to cover your treatment even if you’re hospitalized at home. And such costs are collectively categorized as domiciliary treatment costs. In this case, however, Cardiac Care Platinum doesn’t offer domiciliary protection whereas Mediclaim Insurance Policy offers domiciliary cover.


Ayush treatments

Most policies only cover treatments administered in a registered medical facility. However, on some occasions, you may want to pursue alternative treatments including homoeopathy, Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha. These treatments are collectively categorized as Ayush treatments. And in this case, Cardiac Care Platinum covers Ayush procedures and Mediclaim Insurance Policy also extends coverage for Ayush treatments.


Maternity benefits

If you’re hospitalized during childbirth, then you may have to incur significant costs during delivery of your newborn, child care and other related matters during the course of the hospitalization. These costs are collectively termed maternity costs. And in this case, neither Cardiac Care Platinum offers maternity cover nor does Mediclaim Insurance Policy.


Out Patient Department (OPD)

Doctor visits and regular consultations aren’t usually covered by health insurance policies. They are categorized as Outpatient consultations (or OPD treatments) and patients have to bear the cost on their own. In this case, however, Cardiac Care Platinum offers OPD coverage, and Mediclaim Insurance Policy also offers OPD coverage, although the sub-limits may be different.

Final Conclusion

If you’re specifically looking to buy a policy for people suffering from heart ailments, Cardiac Care Platinum makes a lot of sense. But considering Star Health has a claim settlement ratio that can only be considered sub-par at best, we would still recommend going with anything that Oriental Insurance has to offer, if the policy is made available to you.

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